Super funny, good camera work! Fantastic sound design.
What is your approach to creating your animations?
Super funny, good camera work! Fantastic sound design.
What is your approach to creating your animations?
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support.
For a quick rundown, I always start with audio and build from there (recorded in Audacity and edited in Final Cut Pro). I voice both characters, so it's been fun to see it all evolve as I've worked on it more and more. I do all of the animation in ToonBoom Harmony, as well as the camerawork, background art, and compositing. The whole thing then goes back into Final Cut Pro, where I resync it with the original audio and layer on some extra effects that are easier to do outside of ToonBoom (for this one the "cheapski" mouth effect and color correction). After that it's pretty much done!
I hope that answers what you wanted to know! I'd definitely be happy to go into greater detail if there's anything else you're curious about.
Hopefully getting started on the next one soon!
Yes what about you?
There’s a clear and strongly communicated story. What I think would help is at 0:20, where there’s a frame that goes too quickly—I find that one distracting. Overall, the story is good, and its structure is well done. The expressions are funny and add effectively to the humor.
Fantastic work! There’s great variation in the facial expressions and camera movements.
How did you get interested in Newgrounds?
What is your process for creating animation?
Thank you for the detailed critique, I really appreciate it.
I got interested in newgrounds from my interest in art/animation, a lot of really good stuff on here.
Now my process is nothing special, I write a script, starting from some small idea that i just build on, until I have a story. Honestly most of the scripts i write are very improvisational, the process is just whats most natural for me. I then record audio, and lastly just animate whatever I feel like fits the audio. (This process also leads to a lot of scripts that I don’t animate).
That's a very good friend, always pulling funny pranks.
Such a goofball he is
You are extremely skilled.
@HeelsforEels, how did you get interested in creating animations?
@HeelsforEels, what was your process for learning animation?
Thank you! Well, movies are my favorite thing and I have always drawn, so is a way to make films all by myself. I'm self taught so by doing, failing and getting better I guess... I have a lot to learn yet tho...
action good good Style
I like colors., sound effectz funny
thankz lol
very interesting cartoon but me no like the AI voice
it like watching Cartoon Network but you make everything that is very crazy
uwatch many cartoon you understand many,¨'
character design funny
but you cartoon so good I vote 5, even though AI voice bad
@Facko-Newgrounds, how you do voice change?
The voices aren't technically AI, i still recorded them all, i just used voice changers
I noticed, you edited your comment to ask a question, The end credits already explain this but.
Basically what I do is, record my voices (duh) and then put the voice files into a website called "Fake.You".
Then i just search for whatever character i want (In this case, Markiplier for Joe/Jhon Llama, and Waluigi for Moris/Cadet the cat)
and it transforms my voice to sound like that character!
And everything else is history.
top 10 mom.nts crazy ube activated mode, fall down
how you make this? you good anim
usually i use aseprite for thumbnails and the avatars but i animate on krita,im glad you liked it!
yle purphle character very hilarious I laugh
how you make pixel move?did you make video game?
not video game just animation.
you have many skill, how you become this good??
Just the good ol: 'I want to make thing' > *learns how to make thing* > *repeat cycle several times and slowly become better at it*
I still have A LOT to master, plus its just fun to make stuff :3
”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.
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I'm open for collab!
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PFP Chosen by
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By Psykonix
Age 24, Male
Drug dealer for kids
Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)
DK / Timezone: CEST
Joined on 3/21/22