”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”
PFP By GXLpics

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK -- Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
7,872 / 8,090
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Vote Power:
6.87 votes
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B/P Bonus:
2y 3m 18d

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@jinglejamjenkins - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How would you describe your life? What is it like being in the rocky mountains? How do you feel about being 88, you must have seen a lot of changes

A: My life? Oh god it's been a living hell! I'm not from the rocky mountains, I'm not from anywhere! It's a huge issue! So much baggage. Mom and dad met in the navy, grew up on opposite sides of the states, tossed me back and forth and, both of 'em went nuts! Mom went through all the drugs to fix her brain and it turned her into a vegetable. Dad drank himself to death, he died less then a week ago! I'm 34, and I'm gettin' the heck outta this town after I sell this house and I don't know where I'm goin'!

Eh, It's not all been bad. I've lived many experiences and have the brain to appreciate 'em.

Q: Why did you have the occupation of loser?

A: I didn't choose this life. It chose me. I'm the chosen one.

Q: How to describe your experiences with World of Warcraft? And how did you decide on playing it in MS paint?

A: oh! ya gotta look good, and ya gotta play good. ya gotta-ya gotta, ya gotta get all the things and push the buttons right. MS paint is good for figuring that out.

Q: How did you discover and why did you join NG?

A: I think a friend turned me onto it. This is my favorite website. Flash games back in the day and 'naughty' animations. I really like it nowadays more then I did back in the day. I LOVE ART! Sooo many artists.

Q: The origin of your name: jinglejamjenkins

A: impromptu alliteration. "YOU NEED A USER NAME!"

Q: What do you like about art? What makes interesting art in your opinion?

A: ooo, that's a big one. . . Fantasy. Mostly. I mean, something can be abstract and still be good. Invoking thought and emotion...or , some such. I dunno, if it makes my brain tingle , I like it. I like brain tingles.

Q: What is good music?

A: most of the music I like has "relistenability". So it can't be blunt with its message, it needs to be abstract. Like , vague or metaphorical. When it comes to lyrics at least. I like allot of songs without lyrics. Something cool to play while I'm kicking ass in a video game! Dancing! Gets ya groovin'! *snaps fingers* bum-bum-bum-bum-bum. FEEL THE BEAT! or like...hmm... similar to art, ya know, emotions and thoughts and w/e. brain tingles

Q: Why do you like to sing?

A: Holy wah, umm... It's satisfying. Primordial. Progression of self. It's a fun challenge. Soothing. Therapeutic. The vibrations make me feel good.

Q: What are your experiences with swimming?

A: I'm a water baby! I can float! So I can swim endlessly! Much like singing, it's in my DNA. I am myself. I like me.

Oh! I tried swimming across the Colorado river once in the middle of the night naked. I turned back, then I got laid!

Q: What is Freedom of motion? What do you like about it?

A: I love dreamin'. Nothin' holdin' ya back except the limits of your mind.

Q: Why do you do funny voices and talk to your Kitty? What voices do you do?

A: kitty is a bit dim, but she's still kitty. A living creature much as I, full of emotions and thoughts. I talk to her. We talk. She says "meow" and then I say something, then I say something (usually multiple times). She understands some words but some get lost... The sounds, she hears the sounds. I'm just letting her know she's loved.

Q: How did you learn to do the Cardassian neck trick?

A: I was a little kid just messin' around with muhself. You flex your mouth then you get the flaps kinda like a lizard or somethin'.

Q: How would you describe the BBS! And no not the Brazilian Butt Slap. Bulletin Board System.

A: buhhh, again, havn't looked at it. Hmmm... *another google search* oh, so, the forums! Uh, I ...post in the supporter party occasionally to interact with uh my fellow newgrounders. Much like the kitty saying "meow" she says, "I am here" and then I say "I am also here, we are here together"

Q: Your advice for being happy

A: yeah! Do the thing!

Okay, what did I win?


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that was easy, innit?

Red as my blood 5 Points

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Booted up this shit!! 5 Points

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Spider Shockmount

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