Fantastic work I'm looking forward to playing more!
The game is super well-built, and the art and music are good. I like how the fullscreen is set up. It became dark, and I couldn’t do anything because I couldn’t see what I was doing, which left me a bit confused. So, I just waited until it became light again, then I knew it was important to find a light source.
I understand that you have to kill the snowy slime creatures to get wax to build torches.
How do I remove wooden walls? I just built a wooden house.
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Thank you so much! @kaiakairos
I really like the cosmetics. I also crafted the Zeus staff. I defeated big Praffin,
I think it's lots of fun!
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This is my final review of the experience. I thought it was fun, with good progression, and I enjoyed it. There weren’t any obnoxious achievements, such as, for example, having one that would require playing for 100 hours. All the achievements are good, and I liked the gameplay. I also enjoyed the vanity cosmetics. Good sound design and music and the paintings are great! Super fun game! Great work! @Tiltro, @StaggerNight, @OrkOrk, @Octo, @gahburguer, @EelSocks, @kaiakairos