The amount of passion, love, and respect you have for Newgrounds is inspirational. The numerous references to the culture are amazing and inspiring to witness. I'm sorry; I don't know if it's not cool to make reviews like this, though I would like to say that I am extremely grateful that you would like to create and express yourselves. Personally, and I know all the other people are extremely grateful for that as well because you have such immense creativity, dedication, and skill that you have forged through hard work.
You are extremely deserving of praise and great respect. The skill, dedication, and endurance required deserve immense respect, and I deeply admire your abilities to create. Thank you all so much; you are all amazing. The color palettes and upbeat, fast-paced nature are extremely engaging. The credit scene is also really nice and gives a good explanation of who made what scene. Also, the description is well made and gives a really good overview of credits, and the links provided are extremely helpful. It is well designed and explains things very well, including the links to the creations. Excellent music as well!