@Owlandras - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index
Q: Who is the male character with a huge ass you developed a crush on? But you are not gay.
1. Good first question! That would be Vimhomless' Mouse character. Their proportions combined with that tight yellow dress they wear is so hawt. Literally everything besides what's going on between the legs is feminine as fuck.
Q: What makes older media better in your opinion? And why?
2. Money and labour are the main reasons why, mainly labour in terms of animation, due to it usually being overseas. Also, Older media is like a capsule, you're instantly set back backwards in time to a simpler or more exciting time in history. When you look at animation back then, everything was cell, and everything worked on those grounds, 3D has its place, for example, dynamic backgrounds were made more tangible in 2D, I think, and studios like Pixar have shown us that 3D could be awesome, but not a replacement! Look at the new Spider-Man cartoon, that shit looks comparable to the Ultimate Spider-Man game from the PS2. Superheroes/Comic characters especially work awesome in traditional animation as their source material is so rooted in the realms of the two dimensions. They nailed it best in the 1940s with the Max Fleischer Superman. That felt like the comic book came to life! To think that cartoon came out 80 years ago and nothing from almost the last 20 years has come close to surpassing it is devastating. For me, superhero animation of the 90s is king. Spider-Man the Animated series and the season 2 efforts of Fantastic Four is my personal favourite adaptation of the family, and never forget to mention Batman the Animated series and its inspiration to the rest of its medium, which was heavily inspired by the 40s Superman too. You can tell by its vibe and art style, and the fact that Bruce Timm, the lead artist of the show, said so himself.
Everything nowadays is too safe and companies have gotten too comfortable, this doesn't just affect animation but movies too, I think every Marvel film now is basically the same. Compare that to superhero films from the past before Iron Man or The Avengers, everything was more fantastical and a lot less grounded in terms of visual style, and it was more interesting because of it, plus not everything was played for jokes, you had your fair share of great drama.
Outside of superheroes, movies are rarely ever new, only remakes and sequels from popular movies from the last 40 years get any attention, overall streaming has killed everything and movies and TV don't look better because of it.
Q: Why do you dismiss anything after 2010? You say, that’s not a problem with the stuff being at fault, you said your being picky. But why?
3. I think I bounce between Hollywood being incompetent in creating art, wanting to instead pander to emotionally retarded adults and me being emotionally retarded but emotionally retarded about the past rather than both past and present. From 2010 to now there is bound to be cool shit in the shit heap, I just think people now are annoying in one way or another, if it is the writing team or front man, I think everyone wants a piece of their voice heard even if what that have to say is just group A, group B talk, all that should be secondary and the stories should be primary. If politics is mentioned and especially if it's all very gray, I'd like to hear both sides.
But overall I think everything post 2010 is either too political or can't stand on its own.
Q: Your experiences with the Internet
4. the internet is mind-numbing at worst and amazing and liberating at best, and yet I blame it for the reason I am the way I am. If I never used the internet, I wonder if I'd be more successful in making relationships and going outside, but I guess I'll never know that. I think the Internet, though, has brought people who would have never met otherwise together, has ultimately brought us further apart.
Q: The story of your username: Owlandras, and why do you have a big O on your head?
5. I liked Owls growing up and the Andras part I got from looking up demon names, Andras is not my name but something else. The reason I adopted a demon's name was because of my sinful artwork, drawing tits and asses and whatnot. I chose Andras specifically because of his Owl head, which I thought was cool. If it were up to me now I'd name myself "OwlClipzoid" because my previous name was "OwlClip" and I changed it because it sounded so dumb, Clipzoid sounded more like Spazmoid which is subjectively more dumb but I like it enough that I'd use the name wherever I had the opportunity.
The O on my character's head is meant to be where he focuses all of the powers. It also looks like an eye making my guy look like a Cyclops too.
Q: How did you discover the NG website? What made you decide to join the community? Do you feel differently about the site now compared to when you first joined?
6. I've been on and off NG for over 8 years, I liked playing games on here during high school, and a lot of my animation inspo came from the site. I watched the awesome series and OneyNG's Sick series growing up too. I watched all of that shit when I was too young to watch it, like, in the middle of Primary School young, and I remember watching specifically Oney's first Harry Potter cartoon and showing it to my Mum's Boyfriend at the time, I didn't understand any of the jokes like harry and Ron jerking off in the girls bathroom, I thought it was the sound of them transforming into girls! But he understood it and turned to me and said "No, you shouldn't be watching that" Hahah
My opinion of the site hasn't changed, I see it as a place for free self-expression and a playground for getting yourself out there and having fun.
Q: What is it like living in Scotland?
7. Bad, people drink at an early age and government sucks. Mel Gibson screaming "Freedom" can't be further from the truth. Also, there is barely a creative industry here besides a few artists and Rockstar North. Scotland can do so much better for its people.
Q: How did you get interested in animation and art?
8. Throughout Newgrounds and early on when I was 14, Anime, and now I like comic artists like Jack Kirby and my friends online.
Q: Creative advice that has helped you
9. Keep on drawing, learn fundamentals and draw inspiration.
Q: The story behind Lameos Intro, what is it like playing games with your friend Seth MacFarlane?
10. Well, you know Seth Mcfarly created the Family Show, erm we've both recorded stuff from 2023 to this January but we've been trying to go through with editing and posting them, but because of technical difficulties, most of it is almost unusable, a lot is especially due to audio problems. We were only really successful with the January recording, which is the one currently on YouTube, and if we were to post the others, we'll title them as lost episodes. As for the animated intro I wanted to try and outdo the Oneyplays and game grump intro and terms of shit that happens on screen. Taking the Taco Man theme and removing the vocals and making Seth sing over it was the basis of the whole intro.
Q: Are you addicted to Spider-Man? What do you think of comics? You like comics, but preferably if they’re more vintage, how do you decide on giving a full breakdown of your animation? Your Spider-Man animation took two weeks, while your breakdown animation took a month because of procrastination. What is your perspective on procrastination? Is it Mountain Dew or Doritos?
11. I came out of the womb Spider-Man daft because of the Raimi movies coming out when I was growing up, my folks gave me a lot of Spider-Man stuff knowing I loved him because of that I had episodes of the '90s shows on DVD, I had a few stuff like that on DVD, I remember owning DVD collections of old 40s cartoons funnily enough and old British children's cartoons from the 80s, maybe to some extent that's why I feel the way I feel about old media as well, I had and still have a lot of merchandise of Spider-Man and don't plan on stop buying stuff of that character, so yes I am obsessed.
My thoughts on comics are they are easier on the artists than animation but are harder on the viewers since you actually have to read, I love all that old '60s stuff with Ditko, I tend to enjoy characters from earlier years to their later because it's the initial idea for who that character is and that obviously gets lost overtime when other writers get other ideas to who these classic characters are.
I decided to go through the animation to simply make the video longer and to also get the viewers used to me as a person rather than a faceless maker of a cartoon.
Yes, my Spider-Man animation took two weeks, while my breakdown animation took a month because of procrastination. It's all about the progress, the breakdown took less drawing and more editing, and editing isn't as thrilling to me as animating, it's satisfying but not as satisfying to me as seeing an animation come to life.
My thoughts on procrastination are that it is a disease that needs to be destroyed. Imagine a world without procrastination, that's a world with a lot more content, a lot more getting done and a lot more happy people.
Never had Mountain Dew so I'll have to go Doritos.
- Art communities
I’ve had calls with people who are very nasty with their language, which is quite liberating, however, these people could be quite rotten when you get to know them. But on the other side of the coin, I’ve had calls with people where if I said something was “retarded” or “gay” they’d react as if I just shot their parents and burnt down their house with them still in them, so it’s been a struggle to find friends in these divided times, also mental illness seems to be a common theme amongst artist so that could usually vary from person to person and could lead to drama from inside groups. (Very cheerful I know plus it’s not much of a story haha)
Q: What makes people UNIQUE, how do they form these identities around their language?
12. The things that make people unique vary, but ultimately I think it's experiences and how people react to the same experiences. War, Love, actions and language, everyone reacts to these things differently. Sticking to a specific crowd, an echo chamber will change someone as a person. So as a result, I think what makes people unique is nature and nurture, how they react to the world and how the world reacts to them.
Q: Media you would recommend, and why?
A piece of media I'd recommend is Robocop, it's cool, it's like a comic book, but its messaging, this is what happens when companies aren't kept in line, your rights will be taken from you and you'll become property. It's so relevant without being in your face about it.
Q: Advice on staying epic online?
And my advice on staying "epic" online, I say this not just for online but IRL too, take your mind out of your head, and what I mean when I say that takes a good look at yourself from the third person and critique what it is you do and how you react to the world and the people you're in contact with, do not become a slave to your emotions and take a step back to avoid confect and to save yourself from saying or doing anything you might regret in the future, read what your saying and what the other person is saying like a script and decide if that how you want to portray yourself and if you're in the right.