@KyleKirenn17 - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index
Q1: What is the Internet about?
A: As far as I am aware, the internet is like a massive, diverse community of people. An improvement to the technologies of the past, I would say. From spreading information to creating entertaining medias, the internet has been the example of man's need for a more comfortable living. While yes, the internet is utilized by extremists and trolls, it is still a haven many people flock to; either for recognition or an escape. Ironic as the internet can be a double-edged sword for anyone, including me. Other than that, because it is a community, it requires social engagement. I do have problems with that due to my anxiety, but I try.
Q2: Where does your interest in art come from?
A: In my youth, it came from the cartoons and video games I indulged myself in. A few of those inspirations were Dissidia Duodecim, Avengers Animated, and Batman: TBATB. I tend to draw the same anatomical model (Circle head, rectangle body, lines for hands, no neck) for my interest in drawing hero suits. I have lost the notebook since sadly. I stopped drawing when I was 7, and I mostly enjoyed watching or admiring my sibling draw. Fast forward to 2020, I became envious of my artist friends namely my sibling Nyasops, and a close friend named RedPhoenix. Because of that envy, I started drawing again. Other than envy, I started drawing because I felt bad for relying on my sibling for art of my OCs. Eventually as I improved, I was less envious and more collaborative. I didn't like the idea of competition; competition will often times create sore losers.
Anyways, to conclude all this: Art is a subjective way of expression or a creation of fiction in the real world, all done through the hands and imagination of the artist. The fact that they can create something from their thoughts is why I am interested in art. It is simply beautiful/admirable. (Note: AI "artists" are too lazy, so they do not count)
Q3: You decided to make an account on Newgrounds because it is one of the few places where AI art is frowned upon, and you learned about Newgrounds from various artists. Which artists do you know from Newgrounds? Also, why do you like Salad Fingers? Did you see the Salad Fingers premiere on Newgrounds?
A. I followed (though never acquainted) artists like Derpixon, Minus, Eipril, and David Firth. Among them was David Firth whose content I truly enjoyed. I first started watching David Firth's content on YouTube rather than on Newgrounds, and I must say, I was truly invested in what he has made. Salad Fingers was a personal favorite of mine when I was in my late teens, and while I haven't watched or been updated since, I would still occasionally comeback to reminisce. David Firth has had me fascinated by the surreal and macabre; other than Salad Fingers, his other works were just as fascinating to watch.
Q4: Why are you inspired by specific fantasy anime (such as Bleach, Dungeon Meshi, and Little Witch Academia) and video games (like For Honor, Civilization VI, and Combat Master)? Why do you think you gravitate towards that material?
A. It gives me some level of inspiration for my works. For instance, the list of anime mentioned above are fantasy anime with magical elements to it with Dungeon Meshi being more medieval in setting, something I personally prefer over modern or cyberpunk settings. I haven't started watching LWA yet, but I plan on doing do MOSTLY because the art style is pleasing to the eyes (what can I say? Trigger, amirite?) However, anime mostly just inspires me to some degree in terms of story elements or power scaling. On the other hand, video games gives me character ideas and, in rare cases, ideas for historical events in my works. For Honor is not 100% historically accurate but it still gave me ideas on OC creation if I wanted to make a viking per say. Civ VI was the first to make me create historical events and politics in my projects (I also love world history, so it is kind of why I gravitated towards that game. And for Combat Master? Good inspiration for military or espionage ideas in my opinion. There is also GTA Online where me and my boyfriend roleplay a bit.
Q5: Why do you prefer to create artwork for your own personal projects most of the time?
A: It is kind of a strong preference thing, and perhaps a small psychomotor problem. Not sure why, but when I try to do fanart, I mentally cannot bring myself to give it my 100%. To me, the end result is bad. I opted to mainly focus on creating OCs and work on my own things mainly because of a skill issue towards fanart and the lingering guilt that I am not giving my OCs any love. I wouldn't say I would sell the ownership of my personal works, rather I am willing to draw OCs for anyone. If I wanted to sell my OCs, it would be in the form of merchandise rather than ownership.
Q6: What are some artists you enjoy, and why do you appreciate their work?
A: Oh I love this question. Nyasops would be a first mainly because their art style gives a sense of nostalgia; the way how they line their works and shade it makes their works look like a dream scenario. An old friend of mine, Pavle, created masterpieces that looks jovial and mystical in nature which makes it perfect for a lovely picture book. Unfortunately, his Instagram was hacked and the hacker blocked me so... yeah. Dimitris, Artdeitech, and Shisu Nee emphasize muscles so damn well, and they both are kings of anatomy in my eyes. Artists like Andri and Shinysolaria have colorful and eye pleasing art styles with emphasis on expressions, something I am trying to learn. There are a LOT of artists I would love to talk about. If you want, I can explain more via call or make a whole word document.
Q7: How did you get interested in voice acting?
A. I was told that I have a nice voice, and that I could take on journalism. The main motivator was how I have knack for making impressions of fictional characters. One such character would be the Merchant from Aladdin's opening scene, and AM from IHNMAIMS. So far, I decided to focus on my art first after a small discouragement occurred on the Casting Call Club. For now, I try to improve my commentary skills for making videos about the lore of my projects. Perhaps that would be better practice. That, and a few voiced comics I have planned for my YouTube.
Q8: What is your process for writing stories?
A. Really depends. I wanna give each of my stories a specific process. The first story I planned on writing has this "maturing" process where the further you read, the more intense the writing begins. Unfortunately, like my interest in voice acting, I moved story writing aside for now to focus on drawing. I will eventually get back to story writing, I just need to recharge.
Q9: What mystery documentaries on YouTube do you like, and why do you enjoy mystery documentaries?
A. It does two things to me: keeps me on edge and inspires a bit of my creativity. I have been tuning in on documentary channels on YouTube such as Lazy Masquerade, Nexpo, and Reignbot. Main purpose being to keep me cautious about the world I live in, and the thrill of what the internet and the world has to offer. I am not sure if it is called a mystery documentary though. I may have used the wrong term.
Q10: What have you learned about yourself using the Internet
A. I can be VERY nonchalant about certain events to the point of lacking sympathy. This is partially due to how live cam footage can be just as obnoxious and vexing to watch compared to the documentaries I watch. I am also incredibly humble and shy, and I honestly am afraid or hesitant to speaking to women mainly because of the media mostly showing me the worst branch of feminism. In conclusion, the internet has shone a side of me that I as a person truly dislike, yet I am willing to still share my works to people who are as equally interested in original content as I am.
I am honored to have this interview. Breaks the solitude I dwell in, and it can sometimes be sad.