”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

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wineplume - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - 2 hours ago

@wineplume - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: You stumbled across Newgrounds while looking for Flash games on your mom's laptop between 2011 and 2012. Then, 10 years later, you decided to become a musician and create an account. You also had older accounts, such as @ravestarGT

q1a: yes, this is true. i discovered this whole internet thing at an early age, discovered newgrounds some time later, fell in love with flash games (i enjoy them to this day), came back here after a while because i became a musician and felt like this website is a great place for me to post my stuff.

Q: Why do you like the Submachine games by Mateusz Skutnik, and what do you enjoy about them?

q2a: i like puzzle games because they are kind of fun + i like how mysterious the submachine games feel.

Q: How did you decide that you wanted to become a musician? Why do you think you’ve always been interested? You’ve always enjoyed listening to music and dreamed of creating it yourself. Why do you think music has been a huge part of your childhood and continues to be in the present day?

q3a: just decided to become a musician one day, i guess... it just made sense! i have always loved listening to music and felt like i should start creating my own music. music has always been an important part of my life, it is something i admire and something that enriches me in a spiritual way.

Q: You have a lot of inspirations, including Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, Cardopusher, Squarepusher, S3RL, Basshunter, Waterflame, Nemesistheory, BT (Brian Transeau), Halley Labs (formerly Lapfox Trax & Vulpvibe), Bomfunk MC's, Vangelis, and my friends and acquaintances who are also musicians: dem0n1x, DJLomka, Silnava, Xnothsis, Meuny, Mixxy, LGMusic, Unimportance, G2961, Octopus58, Aalasteir, and Hushfox. What would you say are the elements that inspire you?

q4a: their work as a whole is what inspires me. everything down to melody, rhythm, sound design, etc.

Q: Your advice for musicians

q5a: find the environment you feel comfortable in, make what you think sounds great and generally just "works", don't be afraid to challenge yourself.

Q: How would you describe your experiences with OCD and why you feel paranoid? How would you explain your experiences with dealing with persecutory delusions? In what ways do you feel you act weird or blunt?

q6a: OCD - i am obsessed with self-care and... just cleaning something to make it shine in the end. paranoia - occasional stress & anxiety episodes, some random suspicion-like feelings, even when i feel relaxed enough. persecutory delusion kinda thing - have tried to wean myself off of it for a long time, but it always comes back. i just... eh, accepted it. weird & blunt behavior - trying to work on myself to minimize such attitudes towards others. in what ways? well, i can be very rude to other people for no (or almost no) reason or act like a total dumbass.

Q: How did you come to drink 8-12 cups of coffee a day?

q7a: i've been a coffee addict for years, and frankly, i'm used to it. will start reducing my daily caffeine intake soon.

Q: What do you like about creepy things?

q8a: i've liked creepy things since i was a kid, and i also liked finding explanations for them (or "why they are the way they are"). remember things like, uhh, where do i start... i feel fantastic? mereana mordegard glesgorv? blank room soup.avi, barbie.avi, obey the walrus, the wyoming incident, "girl goes psycho during makeup tutorial" (this one scared the living daylights out of me 10 years ago), suicidemouse.avi, station922.mkv? the creepy vibes are cool, their backstories are even cooler.

Q: Why do you like liminal spaces?

q9a: liminal spaces' aesthetic is just very soothing, calming, comforting and (mostly) peaceful to me. if i had an opportunity i'd build something as liminal as possible in real life, but currently i am only able to generate liminal spaces in my imagination. and watch compilations on youtube, of course.

Q: Why do you remember falling off your chair from something that scared you while exploring Las Brujas in GTA San Andreas around January 2013?

q10a: it's a permanent memory at this point, i think i can't forget it anymore. it looked hilarious from the side, i suppose.

Q: What is the Internet about? How would you say being online has impacted you, and what would be your advice for using the web?

q11a: internet's about communication, sharing and expressing yourself in whatever way you want. the internet is a good influence on me as it has taught me a lot of things. internet very good, school not very good, i like internet, i like computer, go internet go computer go me!!!

my advice for using the web? don't get addicted to social media and short-form content. take a broader look at the web. dig deeper, explore, play and build.

Q: Your favorite food and drinks

q12a: buckwheat noodles are excellent; both coffee and tea are awesome, ordinary H2O is unmatched lol

but most importantly... 🛐🛐🛐PELMENI SUPREMACY🛐🛐🛐




:) ;)

The Submachine series, yeah, it was damn cool, there was even a forum with all sorts of theories about it