”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

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EmsDeLaRoZ - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - 2 hours ago

@EmsDeLaRoZ - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How did you come to use both MediBang and Photoshop? Why do you mainly use MediBang, and in what ways is it more comfortable? What do you like and enjoy about Photoshop, such as the 'dissolve' effect? Do you think you would enjoy drawing new NG Agnry Faices while utilizing the effects in Photoshop that you enjoy the most?

Medibang was my standard app, but during a period where I couldn't use it for some reason, I started using Photoshop, which was already in my PC. I believe medibang is comfier to me simply because is less technical and less hyper charged with options. What I like about Photoshop is that it makes complex tasks very easy to perform (like give a 3d effect to the image). Also yee, making angry faics should be very funny.

Q: Your experiences with the Internet

My experiences with the internet began since I have memory. I've been browsing around since I was five years old, searching, yk, the typical ideas of a kid: "games of super Mario", "games for two people", "free games" and the sort. I grew up playing flash games, some parodying others, and some really og games. Maybe my favorite was fancy pants world 1, because before that, I didn't know a game could have such pleasant movement and animations converging together.

Q: How did you discover the NG website? What made you decide to join the community? Do you feel differently about the site now compared to when you first joined?

I don't remember if I ever got to NG during my childhood era, but I remember seeing the tankman logo in various games, so I was already aware of them. It's kinda sad for me though, because I wish I could've been to the site during it's initial growth days. I decided to join NG because around 2022 or so, I gathered enough courage to start sharing my work online. I started on Instagram and later moved to DeviantArt, but I was lacking something. Later I remembered newgrounds, and how there I could not only share art, but also music and games (animations too, but I've been kinda far from that topic for a while). Finally, no, I don't feel really different since I joined, as I already knew what the newgrounds synergy was like, but I did meet lot more of kewl people who actually felt like me, like I was speaking to people that could actually understand everything I said.

Q: How did you get interesting creating art?

I feel that my interest in making art is one of those things you're just "born with". I don't recall having a complex deep reason for why I like making art, I just know I like it, and like how powerful it is that with a simple artwork, a mix of sounds, and some textures, you can give such powerful messages. I think that's what motivates me mostly: the power of speaking without words (considering we humans are communicative animals who also need socialization to survive).

Q: What video games do you enjoy playing, and why? What elements in a video game do you enjoy, and what elements do you dislike? Why do you dislike them specifically?

Currently, I like playing Madness: Project Nexus, Smash Bros Ultimate, Piczle lines, Picross, 51 worldwide games and Voez. In general I like playing some types of puzzle games and maybe adventure / action / platformer games. I enjoy when a game is designed so every element fits accordingly to create a memorable experience, speaking of music, mechanics, animations and "lore" (I think making a game is like writing an interactive tale, so your story must have it's own world, environment, rules, etc.).

What I dislike is when you include things that don't fit in the game or break the experience, for example, pay to win games, it feels dull to me that you can reach success in a game by spending great amounts of money, instead of actually earning that success.

Q: What makes for good music analysis, and what analyses do you enjoy? What are the reasons behind your enjoyment?

I think that a good music analysis happens when you take a moment to really "hear" the music. There are lots of tracks I've heard when playing a game that, once I hear them in YouTube sound extremely different. Good songs have things to say, so in a good analysis, you should be able to understand what message is the song trying to give. I like the analysis videos of Charles Cornell and Davi Vasc, it's so kewl to see how easy they can break down different pieces of music and explain it, even the most complex and subtle details like songs written in microtones. It's a level of music making and analysis I can only hope to reach one day.

Q: What movies and animations do you like? And why?

My most fav animations are Madness combat, Bunny kill, animator vs. animation and Xiao Xiao. Out of newgrounds, I like Kick Buttowski, Phineas and Ferb, South Park, and many works from Mondo Media, like Happy tree friends, dick figures and goodbye kitty. In movies, I like the first John wick (I've only seen that one), Shrek, ice age from 1 to 3, up, ratatouille, Kung Fu panda and puss in boots. I think I like all these because they contain action, kewl concepts and adventures, and many beautiful morals to share.

Q: How did you become interested in playing board games, particularly games like backgammon and checkers?

I'm not sure where my interest for board games came from, I guess they're just fun for me to play. The most played board game around the world is chess, which is quite dull to me, since I feel many people around the world don't really play chess for the game itself or to have fun, but just because they think is a game for "smart ppl". Maybe it is tho, but that's not the important thing.

Q: What is your process for organizing your ideas? How is it having your mind generate ideas constantly, and what do you mean when you say that only a few of them are good enough to work on?

With "only a few ideas are good enough to work on" I mean that despite having various ideas, not all seem kewl enough or give opportunities to develop greater ideas. They stay just in the "concept" phase. Having many ideas is great, specially when needing a brain shower, but it is kinda problematic when going to sleep, not only because it takes me a lot to fall asleep, but also because for some reason, I never dream anything. To organize my ideas, I usually write them down in Google keep, or in the back of a notebook. Whenever I feel like start working in a new project, I go check my notes and start thinking of the possibilities (Nitainaga Island and Boxanne Passed through that phase).

Q: Can you share the stories behind your experience in 3 different college careers? Why do you say they resulted from various bad decisions?

In my first college career, I was aiming for a degree in electronic, but there were two problems with it: my school was at the other side of the city, and my generation had very few students, meaning that at any given point, they could close my career due to lack of benefits. They gave us the opportunity to change careers so we wouldn't miss our advances. I changed to a career for business management, because I was told it was an easy career, and I was in college just to obtain my degree and move to my real interests afterwards: art. It was easier alright, but that career was also ridiculously boring (me not an entrepreneur :b) and I could not focus enough to make it work. It also began to worry me that when I started searching for job, they would put me in an administrative role because of my career, so I made a last change: a career for animation and design, which is were I currently am. I said they resulted from bad decisions because, before the animation career, I took my college career while focusing on finishing college as soon as possible to begin working on my things (very childlike perspective).

Q: Why do you have 5 different YouTube channels? What is your opinion on YouTube? What do you think the platform is about, and how could it be improved? What decisions do you feel have been detrimental to the platform, and why do you think those changes were implemented in the first place?

I've had 5 five yt channels because I've tried many times before to achieve a successful channel. Now, I'm just moving at my own rate with the latest one.

Q: How would you describe your experience of stating that you've had a very turbulent phase of gender curiosity? What misconceptions do you think people have around gender curiosity?

I feel YouTube has improved in options and page design, but has gone a bit downhill with the videos management and quality. I feel that excessive or unskipable ads, or the famous "blacklist" of bad words have given more problems than help to the users experience, and am very sure these were added to help with the benefits and reputation of the site.

Q: What are the differences between the types of animation you are interested in and those you are not? What common elements resonate with you, and which elements do not? Please explain why these specific elements are positive for you, and why the others are negative.

I remember an era where I was not entirely sure if I was heterosexual. I began thinking about homosexuality, bisexuality or even trans. After a bit of exploration, I knew I am heterosexual, with a bit of bicuriosity. I think that one of the misconceptions ppl tend to have with gender curiosity is they threat it like ppl of other gender are different ppl, instead of similar ppl with other interests.

I think I like animations that are frenetic and/or fluid. On the other side, I don't like very stiff animations, I feel that the world is never that much calm.

- Cookie Story

For one, I was in secondary school, during lunch time, and I was eating some cookies, when another kid approached me asking if I could spare one cookie. Since I've always been very egoistic and idiot, I answered him "I only give cookies to my friends", and since then, he began to interact with me, and that's how we became friends :b. One of my other friends was very antisocial, but tried to approach me several times by trying the technique of "give subtle hints to get your attention". The problem here was that I am very unhinted, so I never catched any message, and that forced him to approach me and talk to me out of pure exasperation. On the bright side, thanks to my stupidity, he's now more talkative.

Q: What would be your advice for socializing?

My advice for socializing is, go talk to ppl, about what you like. Just like you, ppl are scared of talking to each other, and like meeting interesting ppl. If someone doesn't want nothing with you, they'll let you know through words or actions.

Q: What are your goals?

My goal is to travel and find my dream home. I also want to make something big ppl will remember me for.

Q: Your advice for life

Keep balance in life: a good life involves 50% of actions and 50% of perspectives.



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