”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
8,562 / 8,700
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anymany - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - 1 hour ago

@anymany - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Your experiences with the Internet

I always believed that the internet is what you made it out to be, it's a tool , and as a tool I have been able to mold it to make it be a mostly positive tool. I try to avoid going on twitter, and if I do go there, I don't read anything. I don't go on 4chan much nor do I pay much attention to internet drama, this has allowed me to not be angry all the time. I try to fill my time online instead with things I like, browsing on newgrounds, talking to friends, watching edu-taiment videos on youtube, etc. that why, for the most part, I have pretty positive experiences with the internet.

Q: How did you discover NG, and why did you join?

I discovered NG when I was watching "hellbenders" by psychicpebbles and I heard something about NG, can't remember what. I had known about it for a while always as someone's backup account but I had also heard that a bunch of cool artist had gotten their start here, so I was curious and I visited it.

I joined because I thought that it looked like a cool site, it didn't feel like a twitter or myspace clone, it felt fresh, it felt new...gounds. I also thought about joining because up until then I had just made stuff for myself which was fine but I thought the idea of sharing it with others to be really cool.

Q: What do you think about the BBS?

I miss general but aside from that, I never though I would enjoy forums, I only came across the forums by accident because I was trying to see what the "chat" was. I like the BBS because I feels like a dedicated place to just "shoot the shit" with others, make jokes, have fun, etc. The BBS to me feels like a digital hangout spot which I really like.

Q: How did you get interested learning about music theory?

I've always been curious about many things music not being an exception. I wondered how people were able to "feel" or " think" in music, It felt like a language to me, so I decided to take a class in it. I thought that maybe if I took a class I would be able to compose a piece but since it was only one class, I only really learned how to complete chords, recognize keys and some history about old ppl who played the piano

Q: What is the music that you like?

I'd say that I really like most music, techno, classical, jazz, jizz(starwars cantina genre), jumpstile, polka, salsa, reggae, j-pop, electro swing, rock, bluegrass, country, throat singing, rap, hip-hop, bachata, city pop, metal, grind core, bhangra, SOME reggaetón(not the biggest fan of it), banda, and yes... anime intros.

Q: What advice do you have for people who are feeling sad?

I'm not sure, I can dish out advice, I deal with it by ignoring it which I have heard that it's not great. maybe go get some ice cream if you're feeling down?

- "dress x-ing"

a story that I think is interesting is the how my first erotica "dress x-ing" came to be.

I actually started the outline of that story one day in school. I had finished all my work so I had some down time in which I just scribbled the beginning of that story. later that day during lunch I continued writing it and made it ever more gay; a friend of mine who was sitting next to me asked what I was doing and I showed them, I though he was going to get a good laugh since that was it's original point but he actually thought it was interesting. He told me that he actually genuinely liked it and showed it to our other friends. I was surprised that none of them were laughing since again, I only made it to be funny and entertaining, in fact, they wanted me to continue and to keep them updated about the story. I wrote more and showed them and they kept asking for more content so I continued and eventually I reached the end. they all seemed genuinely invested in it despite the fact that it was really gay and cross dressy and they weren't but I decided to post it and it became my most read story.

Q: How did you get interested in writing?

I just stumbled upon it to be honest. I never really even cared about writing and even hated it for a bit. English is my second language so when I came to the US it was really hard for me to get used to it and when I came in, the kids around me were already writing essays which I was expected to do soon after I arrived, needless to say that I didn't do all that good; after a while I was able to do ok at it and just wrote as part of my assignments. It was only until my friends saw that story that I was writing and thought that I had potential that I actually started practicing it and thinking about what I could write next

Q: Why are you the horniest BBS user?

although not a scientifically peer reviewed claim, I think that I talk about sex and stuff like like a bit more than the average BBS user. perhaps not, perhaps I'm just full of myself, and by full of myself... I'm gonna stop that train of though right there

Q: How would you describe your life

my life is like a taco, fleeting moments of intense happiness but very unhealthy in the long run

Q: What do you like and dislike about the NG community

I like that, for the most part, it is genuinely a pretty positive community and well, an actual community, there are many places online that say they are community yet feel rather Isolating. The NG community is very helpful and willing to make something bigger that themselves.

I dislike that there is some people that do just enjoy starting drama but that's a problem with every community

Q: What are your goals, and what do you hope to achieve by being part of the Newgrounds community?

I want to make friends and inspire people




While I agree with the "ice cream advice", I'd say a worthwhile strategy to combat sadness is "Find something fulfilling to do." (It doesn't 'have' to be something altruistic.)

Both ice cream and 'keeping busy' aren't exactly the greatest solutions to things like trauma, but 'getting shit done' feels fulfilling and doesn't make you fat. ;)