”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
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By Psykonix

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 24, Male

Drug dealer for kids

Pennsylvania Int Sch (PennIS)

DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

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Lizguy74 - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - July 17th, 2024

@Lizguy74 - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

The story of @Lizguy74's birth

I was born a 2 pound 5 oz preemie at 32 weeks instead of the usual 40. 

The doctors told my mom 3 separate times that I wouldn't make it through my first night.

My intestines exploded 5 weeks in and the doctors had to stitch everything back together. I have a big scar from my belly button to the right side of my stomach and to my knowledge I am one of, If not, the only person to survive something like that at the age I was. 

They then said that I wouldn't make it because my lungs weren't working like they should when I was on the ventilator.

I luckily got off of that.

I was in the hospital for a total of 6 months, not to mention my 46 eye surgeries that happened from when I was 2 in 04 to 15 in 2017 to cure my Retinopathy of Prematurity and then to stabilize my Band Carotopathy.

I’ve told various people these stories but I think that it’s inspiring to let people know that I’m still here after all of what I’ve been through.

Q: How do you feel being born prematurely has affected your perception of the world?

My perception of the world.

I wouldn't say that I view things differently because of my prematurity but on the physical side of things, my vision isn't the best.

My peripheral vision is almost nonexistent so I’ll usually have to shift my line of sight or my head in order to see something in particular. I also can’t see well, long distance.

For example, I could probably make out a stop sign from across the street but not the walking signal, unless someone pointed it out to me and even then it’s not guaranteed that I'd see it with just my eyes alone.

I’ve been used to this for my entire life so It doesn't affect my confidence nuch.

I know my limets.

I think that’s why I’ve grown so attached to self deprecating, crude and dark humor over the years.

I’ve learned not to take my troubles so seriously over the years and It's helped me with my self confidence immensely!

Like, “Of course that guy isn't gonna see the street sign! He’s half BLIND!!!

He’d probably get hit by a car If I wasn't helping him.”

I’m exaggerating about the “half blind’ part, my point being that you have to be willing to make mistakes and laugh at yourself or the world every once in a while.

Don’t be afraid to face the ugly truth about yourself and the world and just laugh at them!

Turn the negative about yourself into something positive!

The thing about negatives and positives is that they're something we all go through.

So let’s enjoy all the good times together and laugh at the bad ones we can't control.

HAHA! Damn, someone quote me on those last two, please!

Q: Why do you feel people are interested in art? Would you say that finger painting when you were young and drawing in middle school influenced your perception of art? What is something that you have painted or drawn, and why do you think you chose the subjects and motifs that you did?

People’s interest in art, ecs.

I feel that people are interested in art because it allows them to escape from reality or to see things about the way we live in a different light.

I also think that people are drawn to the Ideas of others, their hopes, passions, dreams. There's something wonderful about being able to put your creative ideas out there for other people to enjoy!

I don’t remember much of the finger painting stuff. I was really young, but I do remember drawing two pictures in middle school called Kirby’s Lucky and Unlucky day!

My most formative years growing up were the mid to late 00's and early to mid 2010’s.

I had a blue DS Lite with Mario Kart DS, Super Mario 64 DS, Mario & Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story and Kirby Super Star Ultra! I loved those games to death.

One day I thought of drawing two pictures based on luck and I thought I’d plop Kirby in there and come up with some scenarios with ideas and concepts from the game.

Kirby’s Lucky Day was a drawing where he ate a bunch of food and got power up’s to defeat enemies, whereas Kirby’s Unlucky Day was mostly him dying a bunch.

I remember drawing Krako shooting Kirby with a lightning bolt and just being overall proud that I came up with the idea of putting all of those thing together to make something new.

Q: You discovered Newgrounds through FNF when it gained immense popularity in 2021 with the Week Seven update. You mentioned that the game helped you overcome a significant period of depression. If you don't mind sharing, what caused your depression, and how did Friday Night Funkin' and Newgrounds help alleviate it?

FNF & NG save

Yeah, I’ve practically always been a fan of video games, storytelling and later on, history.

I loved my history and english language classes when I was in school but I was starting to feel kind of lonely in 2019 and it kind of escalated from there.

I had friends but by that point they had already graduated and I didn’t know who else to talk to.

I wanted to express and share my sense of humor and the energetic side of my personality but I had nowhere to go at the time and It led to me getting seriously depressed.

I wasn’t suicidal or anything but It was bad!

Then In early 2021 FNF absolutely exploded, and I think I originally found out about It through a bunch of meme’s on YouTube? I can’t exactly remember but I think I saw a bunch of meme’s, got curious and then fell into a massive rabbit hole after falling in love with the game, It;s style and premice.

Then I noticed the “In partnership with Newgrounds.” tagline before the game started and I got curious again! “What’s Newgrounds?” I thought, looking up the site.

When I logged onto the site I couldn’t beleve it!

There was that crazy FNF page banner and a bunch of other artists sharing their stuff from music to art, animation and games.

I was stunned at the variety of content, not to mention the incredible sense of style and internet history that I later found out about thanks to some up and coming videos of people talking about the site, Tom’s creative sensibilities and the rebellious, creative history of the site. I properly joined and started uploading my stuff in 2022 and I’ve never looked back. “Everything By Everyone” what a wonderful motto.

Q: Your advice for handling depression

Advice for handling depression.

My advice for handling depression would be that you should be open and honest about how you're feeling with family and friends. People care about your wellbeing and want to know that you're feeling ok.

Do something creative. Sharing ideas with people you know or just people in general can be really rewarding. It;s good to know that people like the same things that you do, especially when It’s something you’ve thought up yourself. Lastly, go outside, appreciate the outdoors and stay healthy. It’s been proven that these things can drastically improve your mood and If you still don’t feel yourself right away, that’s ok too, some things take time.

Q: What has it been like posting to NewGrounds since 2022, and how has the site changed? What do you like/dislike, and what recommendations and advice do you have for newcomers coming to NG?

Posting to NG

I’ve really enjoyed postint to NG and seeing people react to my art.

It makes me feel good to know that people are enjoying the stuff I make.

I haven’t noticed any significant changes to the site yet but I’ll definitely be looking out for them.

I really like how most people on this site treat each other with respect, understanding and dignaty.

It’s very welcoming.

Q: How do you feel about being 21 years old? Is it difficult to be an adult? What advice would you give?

Being 21.

Being 21, and an adult in general is kinda crazy.

I’m kind of in that awkward period right now where I’m trying to still understand how the adulting world works, living with my mom, while trying to find a girlfriend and a college that fits me.

I know without a doubt that I want to be in the entertainment industry but I’m not exactly sure what I want to do in the field of video games or animation.

Those are the two subjects I’m really looking to get into.

I love my mom BTW. She works her ass off for both my sister and I!

She’s super nice too, and from Australia! Whoop Whoop!

I’d tell anyone else in my situation that just because things are going slow, it doesn't mean that things won't change for you in the future.

Appreciate the time you have and enjoy every moment.

Q: What fascinates you about Romance?

Thoughts on romance.

What can I say? I love “love’!

There’s something thats both so heartwarming and hot, for the lack of a better word, about being able to get more sensual with someone you deeply care for and have come to understand.

Despite what a lot of people seem to think, there is a difference between sensual and sexual, although they do both occupy a very similar space.

Sensuality refers to your senses and how they react to things in detail like scents , touch, taste, etc.

Sexualllity, is how we use these things to stimulate or arouse each other.

I find it so fascinating that we’re willing to go to these increadibe lengths to please and tease each other.

There’s an electrifying energy about romance and sex.

We’re willing to embarrass and humiliate each other because we know that the partner that we’ve chosen really cares and understands us.

Attraction and sentimentality are two things but the third is where things get really intresting.

Being able to admit your desires and fantasies to someone you're attracted to and have a deep affection for must feel like nothing else!

That friendly tug of war between submissiveness and dominance!

I’m more of the submissive type.

In terms of sex and romance in medi. I feel like sex should be a more accepted thing in adult media and that romance should be the some in general, more exepted.

I feel like other people here in the states are just now realizing the importance of portraying these things in fiction.

Those are topics I’d like=e to incorporate more into my art, that and comedy.

I feel like those two things go really well together. I feel that nudity can also be used as symbolism and does not always have to be sexuallky explicit.

Q: You mentioned that the Internet is a double-edged sword, with some people being really nice and understanding, while others tend to exaggerate, get frustrated easily, or are just plain rude for various reasons. How did you develop your thoughts on the internet? Have there been experiences that shaped your perspective, and has it always been this way for you?

Thoughts on the Internet.

Yeah, I’ve noticed that a lot of people online tend to talk about a lot of serious topics without much thought or research put into them, which is a shame.

I’ve noticed this most prevalently when it comes to accusations of sexual assault.

It seems like a lot of younger people don’t seen to fully grasp the complexities or nuances of romantic/sexual interaction which then leads to unnecessary name calling

and intense accusations being thrown around.

That's why I feel like it’s incredibly important for couples or lovers to come up with some sort of Safe Word.

That way, if things start to get uncomfortable for anyone, they could just say whatever word you come up with.

I believe that most people are willing to respect each other's boundaries but sadly that's not always the case.

At least you’ll have a clear way to let the other person know when things are going too far for you.

Media Literacy is another thing I feel like a lot of people in my generation lack.

This also lends itself to a host of greater issues too.

Like, I’ve heard some people online say that if you like an underage character in an animated or illustrated piece of media, that you're a creep, regardless of context.

Some people like the story of a certain charector, and most people like that character for their design or personality for one reason or another. Not because of the fact that their underage. Usually that’s used as a way to show that the character is immature in some shape or form.

I’m alright if young love is depicted in media just as long as it doesn't coss “that line”.

Speaking of “that line”. If you have a character you really like. It’s best to gve them more adult proportions and make them act a little more adult too.

Most artists who draw or are more familiar with NSFW drawings are aware of this stuff and do a good job at portraying the characters they draw, as adults.

The other people online who are more understanding and willing to listen to others opinions are awesome!

We as people are complex creatures and we should be willing to listen to others and their opinions even if we don’t agree with some of them.

@Lizguy74's prospective on storytelling

In my opinion, nailing down a consistent tone or finding things that are similar to the tone you’re going for is critical when It comes to good storytelling.

The main character should also have a relatable goal or driving force in the narrative that makes us want to root for them. There should also be something or someone trying to stop them that challenges, or are the opposites to, their beleifs.

Make sure that everything helps to drive the plot, themes, or characters and their personalities in some way or another.

I’m ok with dark subject matter in the media I consume. I think that It can even be a great form of character development, symbolism and overall storytelling, but you need to make sure It makes sense in the story that you’re telling. Otherwise It’s just going to feel tonedef, cheap and insensitive.

Q: What are some examples of storytelling in media that you enjoy, and why do you think those elements function well in creating overall good storytelling?

Medea I like and why I think they work well.

I like a lot of action shows, comedy and Shounen Anime.

I’m a super big fan of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and everything it takes influence from.

I love classic rock, rock and music in general, nature, fasion, travel, history!

It’s like the show was made for people like me!

I think the reason why it and many other shows in general work so well is becouse they focus on the character and how they interact with each other.

Q: What is the difference between good character development and bad character development?

Good and bad character development.

I feel that the difference between good and bad character development is based on how true to life the characters' emotions feel to the audience based on the tone that you’re trying to set.

If a character in a serious story is upset about something and then suddenly fine then that’s bad development, sure that could work as a comedy bit in a mostly joke centric series but it’s not good for serious storytelling.

For that, the characters need to feel grounded, empathetic and self reflective on their past grevences.

Q: Why do you think people talk about serious topics on the Internet without much thought?

I think the reason is because a lot of people in today’s climate are more interested in sensationalist stories rather then th actual truth and that drama courses a lot of misinformation to be spread about serious topics and people don’t usually bother to go and correct some that they think is fact.

That’s one of the big reasons why I’m not a big fan of cancel culture. Sure there are some good people trying to get some bad eggs off the internet but I’m sure that there are others who will just use any excuse or accusation they can get, to take someone they don’t like offline. It’s a shame honestly.

Like I said earlier. I feel like people, more then ever now, need to be more open minded, respectful and understanding of each other and I hope to see more of those things from people, in the future.




In the Ramance response I meant to say that “sex should be a more excepted thing in adult media”. Not exempted. I accidentally made a typo that said the exact opposite of what I meant to say! Whoops! ?

Thanks Aalasteir for changing that typo.