”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK / Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

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MrPurpleMrPurple - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - July 8th, 2024

@MrPurpleMrPurple - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: Why do you feel that you got interested in creating art?

I had some ideas for stories that I wanted to tell, and then I just started drawing.

Q: How to describe your experiences with using the Internet? How do you decide on creating your NG account on 6/17/22? What do you think about the NG community?

For a while I would have described my experiences on the internet as unfulfilling. For a long time I tried to create art online but never really found a place that completely worked for me. That was until I joined Newgrounds. 

I decided to join Newgrounds because it offered me something that I couldn’t find on a lot of other sites. An environment of collaboration. Artists supporting other artists, helping to improve each other's art. Less of an incentive on money and views and more on actual creativity. 

In general I’d say the newgrounds community is fantastic, and I wish more sites were like it. 

Q: How did you choose your name: MrPurpleMrPurple

Purple is my favorite color, and the name “MrPurple” was already taken lol. It’s fine though because I like repetition. 

Purple is my favorite color, and the name “MrPurple” was already taken lol. It’s fine though because I like repetition. 

Q: What are the elements you look for in media?

This is kind of hard to measure, but I enjoy when media genuinely reflects the creator making it. You can tell when a movie is Wes Anderson or Tarantino. They have an identifiable style. I like when you can tell what an artist is interested in just by seeing what they include in their art. Or if it’s a team that made it, have the group all have a central idea that comes through.

Q: How would you describe the experience of creating COMMERCIAL BREAK, What were the biggest challenges in creating a feature-length animated film?

I would describe the experience as time consuming but also very fulfilling. There was A LOT of animating to do. I’ll never forget finishing the first scene and thinking “great, now I just need to do like eighty more minutes worth of this”. 

It didn’t help that late into making it I decided to redo like half of the scenes I made (glad that I did but still a major oof).

That all being said, it was absolutely worth the time it took. Getting to meet and collaborate with so many talented people is awesome, and hopefully the film may inspire other artists not to give up on a longer project. 

Q: What was your process for creating RHOMBAZOID? 

The process for Rhombazoid was in many ways similar to how I created Commercial Break, with one very glaring difference. I made all of Rhombazoid’s art in photoshop WITH A MOUSE. Naturally this meant I was drawing less, and by extension relying far more on tweening and stuff. While the cast all did great, I could have done a lot better with the animation.

Q: What is it like sharing the interest in spicy foods and hot sauce with your dad? What do you think makes a well-made sauce, and what is something about a sauce that makes you question your life choices? In your opinion, what defines good spicy food versus bad spicy food?

It’s enjoyable being able to share an interest in spicy food, because it means that you have someone to suffer with when you eat something way too spicy lol.

A good sauce in my opinion is one where the heat is more of a secondary element. Like it could be a garlic sauce that’s also spicy or a honey sauce that’s also spicy. A bad sauce is when it’s just heat. Like a ghost pepper sauce that’s also spicy. Even these sauces have their uses though (Chili comes to mind).

Q: Has your favorite food always been wings? Also, you can eat wings with any sauce, but which sauces do you think are best with wings?

Yes. I think they’re a lot more consistent than other foods, but there’s also a variety in what kind of sauces you choose. My top sauce picks are Buffalo and Honey Garlic.

Q: How did you become interested in creating music? How did you acquire your accordion, and why do you find it more challenging than playing the piano? What do you enjoy most about playing the accordion?

I became interested in music because I needed music for Rhombazoid, and figured I might as well give it a try. My accordion was a gift from my mom. I think she got it on sale at a flea market. It’s a pain to play because I don't usually play the piano sideways… and standing. Jokes aside, it is a fun instrument to mess around with, gives songs a piratey vibe.

Q: What is it like having a pet dachshund named Sasha?

She always makes me smile. Especially when I’m trying to eat and she just walks over and stares at me.


Q: Where does your fear of turkeys, as well as other flightless birds, come from? I also respect the fact that you are honest about your fears. I think that is an amazing quality more people should be genuine about.

I just think they’re freaky looking. Especially turkeys because of the sounds they make. 

Q: Why do you think large amount of people have this misconception about animation, seeing it solely as a medium for children? What would it take for the untapped potential of mature animated films to be recognized?

You can’t even really blame people for thinking that. Animated films and family films have kind of become synonymous, so why would people see them as anything more. I think this mentality will only change once popular animation isn’t relegated solely to family entertainment. 

Q: What are animated films you would recommend? 

Prince of Egypt and The Road to El Dorado are both fantastic early dreamworks animations. Watch Prince of Egypt if you want something more emotional and El Dorado if you just want to laugh. 

Emesis Blue is a must watch to any fans of Team Fortress 2 or just horror films in general. It was made using Source Filmmaker and has a ton of film homages. It’s available on Youtube. 

Q: You frequently hear artists say they would like to get into animation, but they're worried that it's too challenging. What do you think they find challenging that they are not entirely wrong about? What would you say to encourage artists who want to try animation? What struggles would you like to share about starting in animation?

They’re not wrong when they say it’s time consuming. It takes a lot of time, and can get repetitive at times. But it’s worth it. It’s a challenge that opens your art up to so many new possibilities. 

If you’re on the fence about giving it a try, I would say try making a short animation of one of your characters (like 30 seconds max), and if you enjoy it maybe try another one. Like anything that’s difficult in life it requires commitment. 

Q: Your advice for staying sane as a person in the modern age

I’m no expert but I’ll say this, there’s no use looking to the past. The only way you’re gonna get somewhere is by moving forward. If something doesn’t work, try something different. Don’t be afraid to improvise, and make sure to stay hydrated too. Drink plenty of water.




I'd like to apologize to @MrPurpleMrPurple: I will, given the opportunity, happily devour spicy foods that are 'nothing but heat', because I enjoy it for variety's sake. I do realize that this makes me part of the problem and that industry standards would shift if the consumer base had higher standards or better self-control.

There might also be a 'deeper message' for the general audience in here somewhere... Who can tell...? :3

@Yatsufusa No problems there! Super spicy hot sauces are still fun once and a while!


Mr alastar plz give me sum chips!
