”Please, you have to understand.
The Internet is evil. It corrupted me.”
--- --- --- --- --- ---
”Now, I make Royalty-Free Music.”
PFP By GXLpics

Aalasteir @Aalasteir

Age 23, Male


DK -- Timezone: CEST

Joined on 3/21/22

Exp Points:
7,490 / 7,510
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6.81 votes
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2y 2m 10d

Huix - QA

Posted by Aalasteir - 3 days ago

@Huix - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index

Q: How do you decide on the name: Huix? And how do you feel about usernames in general what do they communicate and why do people pick their specific usernames

Well my name “Huix” came from thinking something simple and short to remember, it was a fleeting thought that fit perfectly with what I wanted. Funny thing is that it was my first choice, but I wasn't sure so I kept telling myself “bro it's impossible to like the first choice, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!!” 

About user names in general, I think it's great, I always like to hear why they chose it. Everyone has a story to tell about it and I find it very interesting.

Q: How do you decide on making your account here? And what has your experience has been?

I decided to open an account here because I already knew the site and saw many users very satisfied with it.

My experience was great, I love the camaraderie here, I love the way people support each other's projects.

Q: How do you feel about art? Why do you feel you got interested in creating art?

I think it's awesome. It's something where people can express themselves or make tributes to things they love in a great way.

I think I became interested in art because of the series and things I read in my childhood, I know, it sounds cliché and very corny jejeje

Q: How do you decide on which character to draw?

The decision of which character I'm going to draw is a weird one, because it could be because of something that appeared in my feed or because of memories of things I liked.

Q: Is yellow your favorite color?

Yep, that's why all my pages have some of that color on them

I also like green a lot :p

Q: What are your inspirations?

My inspirations are the things I have seen in my childhood and the artists I follow.

Q: Why do you refer to Twitter as SHIT?

I refer to Twitter that way because of how toxic it can be at times and the bots.

Q: What is Artfight and Toyhouse about? And what is the culture like?

Artfight is about “attacking” by drawing another person's character and the opponent has to do the same.

Toyhouse is a site where you can upload characters, exchange them or sell them.

The culture there is quite good, there are some things I don't like, but in general everything is fine.

Q: What are other activities and hobbies you do? And do you feel they impact your art

I don't have many other hobbies besides drawing, but the few that I do have don't affect my art much

Q: Advice you wish you knew earlier

“Don't be obsessed with comparing yourself with others”

it's okey to compare yourself with other artists to know that you can improve, but in a healthy way 

Q: What are the things that you dislike about Toyhouse?

Maybe some character designs that sell, but I think those are more relative.

Q: What are some media that you enjoy? And why do you enjoy the media, what are the specific elements that you like to see in media?

I think the ones I use most are twitter and ng, because I find them quite entertaining and I like to upload things there.

Usually what I see most is other people's art and the latest on some news that interests me.

Q: What do you like to do when you are outside?

I usually like to hang out with friends and goof around, the classic

Q: Food and drinks you enjoy

On the food side, the "asado" is the best in the world.

As for drinks, water is the top tier.




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