@TheShokBlok - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index
Q: Your opinion of the World Wide Web
Very fun, clearly I'm not the only one who thinks this
Q: How did you find the community, and why did you join?
Newgrounds? I used to watch a lot of animations on YT and then later found out they were from there, but I never gave the site a chance and forgot about it, some time later the funk of the Friday reached me and reminded me the existence of NG, and thus, an account eas created.
Q: Your experiences with creating art
it's been quite nice, I've always liked drawing as far back as I can remember, and seeing so much people enjoy what I do just motivates me to keep going. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Q: What do you like about posting into BBS?
interaction, I like likes and views and all of that, of course, but those can't compare with other people commenting whatever crossed their minds at the moment, I just think it's very fun.
that's why I enjoy doing me silly little posts with a dynamic every now and then.
Q: The story of your username: TheShokBlok
it originated from a bread-looking thingie, dunno if it was supposed to be a sandwich or what, point is, I found it in a supermarket and it was called "shock block"
it really had a ring to it, so I just adopted the name, later on I got rid of the "C"s at some point. (≧▽≦)
Q: Your advice on being a community member
hmmm idk, guess just don't be a dick and if you're gonna be one at least be fair.
thx for inviting me to t
his little interview! (◍^ᴗ^◍)
using an antenna to type is hard ( ̄▽  ̄;)