@ScepterDPinoy - @Aalasteir (Q) - Index
Q: What are your experiences with the Internet? And how did to discover NG, and why did you join?
A: I did discover Newgrounds in the early 2000's by accident. By 2014 when NG had an art portal that was established in 2009 I decided to make an account there during my college years.
Q: How did you get interested in creating art?
A: Just to make pixel art while seeing some awesome traditional pixel art and digital art because I wanted to improve throughout the years making good art.
Q: What is the origin of your username: ScepterDPinoy
A: It was kind of random username since I am a American Filipino. by the later years this username reflects my halloween aesthetics since I was born on October.
Q: What was your experience of using Deviantart like?
A: My DA experience as of now was going well so far while being civil but when they introduce AI and while trolls to cause trouble on DA I decided it's best for me to delete my account there if DA is going down hill. I have awesome friends there since I do not wanted to delete my account.
Q: The story of you creating the Post Mood set?
A: Tom Fulp hired me to make emoticons out of nowhere after I was receiving recognition for my art.
Q: Specifically what does this represent?
A: It means trying to be innocence or angel.
Q: What are your experiences with commissions?
A: My experience with commission is going well as long as I do it the right as best as possible. The people I work with sane while I remain sane as well.
Q: Your advice for enjoying art?
A: Be the best artist you can be. Make something good and awesome. Learns and study the art image from any reference image from a search engine. If art is boring for you just take a break, enjoy doing what you like, then make an art to reflect your experience of what you currently enjoy (taking a walk outside, read an article, workout, ect.)
Great interview. :) When I think of pixel artists @ScepterDPinoy always comes to mind first, then maybe gatekid3, and NG staff, of course there are soo many more but you seem like the OGs!
Admire your meticulous craft man! Nice to learn some more of your story.