DEADLINE: November 29th
The audio is planned to be uploaded on:
December 1st
Share your heartwarming audio messages. Think of it like audio graffiti. It could be something like:
"Mary Tankmas!"
"I'm so happy it can be a part of an amazing community!"
"Bozo brigade incoming."
And more!
You must be 18+ to participate
This collab is rated T
Minimal length 1 second -- Maximum length 5 minutes for each submission
1 - Export in WAV format
2 - Upload your file to a file-sharing service
- Google Drive: Click the share button and make a link that can be "Accessed by anyone"
3 - Send me a PM with the link
- If it was a collaborative effort, kindly provide the usernames of all participants
The Newgrounds font can be found here
Art by @Aalasteir
has this ever been done before?
I could not find other instances of a collab like this.